Building blocks to manage pages.
Clear Page
Clears all web parts from a page. Sections will be removed from modern pages. Content can be cleared optionally.
Input Fields
Name | Required? | Description |
Clear Content | optional | When set to true, the content is cleared from the SharePoint page. Only affects Wiki pages. |
List | required | The title or GUID of the list in which the pages are stored. |
Title | required | Title of the page. |
Url | optional | The url of the subsite or site collection. The url can also be specified with other context fields named 'Website' or 'CaseRootUrl'. |
Delete Page
Deletes a page from the specified pages library.
Input Fields
Name | Required? | Description |
List | required | The title or GUID of the list in which the pages are stored. |
Skip Recycle | optional | If enabled the page will skip the recycle bin and will be permanently removed. Be aware that skipping the recycle bin makes it unrecoverable! |
Title | required | Title of the page. |
Url | optional | The url of the subsite or site collection. The url can also be specified with other context fields named 'Website' or 'CaseRootUrl'. |
Ensure Content Wiki Page
Ensures content on an existing Wiki Page in the specified list. Existing content on the page will be appended.
Input Fields
Name | Required? | Description |
List | required | The title or GUID of the list in which the pages are stored. |
Title | required | Title of the page. |
Url | optional | The url of the subsite or site collection. The url can also be specified with other context fields named 'Website' or 'CaseRootUrl'. |
Wiki Content | optional | The content to be added to the Wiki page. This content is appended to the existing content on the page. |
Ensure Modern Page
Ensures a modern page in the specified List. If the page already exists, the existing page is updated.
Modern pages are supported on SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2019 or higher.
Input Fields
Name | Required? | Description |
Clear Page | optional | If set to true, all existing web parts on the page will be removed. A default home page is deleted and recreated instead of all sections being cleared. |
Header Author | optional | The page author to be displayed in the header. Leave empty to display no author in the header. Ignored if the header or title is not shown. |
Header Image File | optional | The full file name of the header banner image. Ignored if the header or title is not shown. |
Header Image List | optional | The SharePoint list where the header banner image is located. e.g.: Site Assets Ignored if the header or title is not shown. |
Header Layout Type | optional | The type of layout used in the header. Ignored if the header or title is not shown. |
Header Title Alignment | optional | Alignment of the title in the header. Ignored if the header or title is not shown. |
Header Topic Header | optional | The topic header to show in the header. If left empty no topic header is shown. Ignored if the header or title is not shown. |
Home Page | optional | If set to true, the page will be set as the home page. A home page cannot contain a header. If set to true, the header options are ignored. |
Include Comments | optional | Include comments on the page. If comments are disabled on site or tenant level this property will be ignored. |
Include Header | optional | If checked the default header will be used. If unchecked no header will be displayed, only the plain title will be displayed. A home page cannot contain a header, this option will be set to false. If no title is shown all header options are ignored. |
Page Title | optional | Title that is shown at the top of the page. When it's not set, the value of the Title field is taken. |
Show Page Publish Date In Header | optional | Shows the page publication date in the header. Ignored if the header or title is not shown. |
Show Title | optional | Show page title and header on the page. If no title is shown all header options are ignored. |
Title | required | Title of the page. |
Url | optional | The url of the subsite or site collection. The url can also be specified with other context fields named 'Website' or 'CaseRootUrl'. |
Ensure Security Pages
Ensures the necessary pages for supporting the security model in ADM. The library with the redirect and silent redirect pages including a script will be ensured. For modern pages a custom client side web part will be used, the 'Ometa Security Redirect' app needs to be added to the App Catalog of the tenant or site and deployed to the site. On classic pages script editors will be used, make sure the site is not set as 'No Script'.
Input Fields
Name | Required? | Description |
Core Service Url | required | Full URL on which the Core Service is available, e.g.: https://ometa-fw-server:50200. It is required to enable SSL to ensure secure network communication. The provided URL will be used for each data web part on that site collection when used with the template provisioner. |
List | required | The title or GUID of the list in which the pages are stored. |
Modern | optional | Specify whether the security page are modern. For modern pages a custom client side web part will be used, the 'Ometa Security Redirect' app needs to be added to the App Catalog of the tenant or site and deployed to the site. On classic pages script editors will be used, make sure the site is not set as 'No Script'. |
Redirect Page Name | required | The name for the redirect page needed to obtain access tokens. |
Silent Redirect Page Name | required | The name for the silent redirect page needed to silently obtain access tokens via an iframe. |
Url | optional | The url of the subsite or site collection. The url can also be specified with other context fields named 'Website' or 'CaseRootUrl'. |
Ensure Web Part Page
Ensures a web part page in the specified pages library. If the page already exists no action is taken.
Input Fields
Name | Required? | Description |
Clear Page | optional | If set to true, all existing web parts and content on the page will be removed. |
Home Page | optional | If set to true, the page will be set as the home page. |
List | required | The title or GUID of the list in which the pages are stored. |
Title | required | Title of the page. |
Url | optional | The url of the subsite or site collection. The url can also be specified with other context fields named 'Website' or 'CaseRootUrl'. |
Web Part Page Layout | required | Layout template to arrange web parts in zones on the page. |
Ensure Wiki Page
Ensures a wiki page from the type Wiki Page in the specified List. If the page already exists no action is taken.
Input Fields
Name | Required? | Description |
Clear Page | optional | If set to true, all existing web parts on the page will be removed. |
Home Page | optional | If set to true, the page will be set as the home page. |
List | required | The title or GUID of the list in which the pages are stored. |
Title | required | Title of the page. |
Url | optional | The url of the subsite or site collection. The url can also be specified with other context fields named 'Website' or 'CaseRootUrl'. |
Wiki Page Layout | required | Layout template to arrange contents in zones on the page. |
Set Home Page
Sets a page as the default home page for a site.
Input Fields
Name | Required? | Description |
List | required | The title or GUID of the list in which the pages are stored. |
Title | required | Title of the page. |
Url | optional | The url of the subsite or site collection. The url can also be specified with other context fields named 'Website' or 'CaseRootUrl'. |