Interface Script Syntax
The Interface Script for a method that is running on the REST interface follows a certain syntax. Each line of the Interface Script is interpreted seperately and contains the name of an action with its value.
The following table describes the actions that can be used in the Interface Script.
Action name | Required? | Description |
Method | required |
The HTTP request method to send with the request. The interface supports the following request methods:
Path | optional | The path of the endpoint. This will be appended to the url specified in the profile. |
Body | optional | The data to send with the request. This can be either a JSON string, a URL query string or a path to a file that contains the body. When this action is left empty, the input fields are mapped to their external field name equivalent and sent as a JSON object. This action is ignored for the GET and DELETE methods. |
MultipartFormDataContent | optional | The content as a string to set as the multipart form data content. This string can be the local path to a file to set as the content. Only one of the two options MultipartFormDataContent and MultipartFormDataContentField can be set.If you want to include a JSON in the request body you can use the Body parameter in combination with this property.>This action is ignored for the GET and DELETE methods. |
MultipartFormDataContentField | optional |
The field containing the contents to set as the multipart form data content. Only one of the two options MultipartFormDataContent and MultipartFormDataContentField can be set.This action is ignored for the GET and DELETE methods. The following field types are supported:
MultipartFormDataContentName | optional | The name of the multi part form data content HTTP content. If this is left empty and MultipartFormDataContent is used, body will be used as a default. This should be set to file when sending a file.This action is ignored for the GET and DELETE methods. |
MultipartFormDataContentFilename | optional | The filename of the multi part form data content HTTP content. This is required when the MultipartFormDataContentName is set to file .This action is ignored for the GET and DELETE methods. |
MultipartFormDataContentType | optional | The content type to set for the multi part form data content. This action is ignored for the GET and DELETE methods. |
BodyMapping | optional |
Whether the input fields should be mapped to their external field name equivalent and sent as a specific format. The possible options are:
Header | optional | The request headers to send with the request. This action needs to be provided in the form of a JSON string. Authentication headers, such as a token, should be provided via this property. |
ContentHeader | optional | The content headers to send with the request. This action needs to be provided in the form of a JSON string. When it is not provided, the Content-Type header will be set as application/json . |
ValueProperty | optional | The path of the property holding the values you want to retrieve. If the property is a nested property, you can specify the path using a dot as separator: result.value .When this action is left empty, the root of the response will be considered as the values to return. |
ExtendedDataProperty | optional | The name of the property in the response that contains a url to fetch extra data for the record that is being processed. Before using this action, read the performance notice further on this page. |
ExtendedDataValueProperty | optional | The path of the property in the extended data result holding the values to include in the current record. If the property is a nested property, you can specify the path using a dot as separator: extendedResult.value .When this action is left empty, the root of the response will be considered as the values to return. |
DisableStructureJsonOutput | optional | Method fields that point directly to a structure in the REST output will return the raw json as their output in Ometa. Specify DisableStructureJsonOutput=True to disable this. |
Even though we support extending the data returned by the main endpoint with a new call, you should use this with care! This will execute a request for each record that is returned by the main endpoint and thus cause a severe performance penalty. When this penalty is not bearable, consider redesigning the usage of this data or limiting the records returned by this method.
Create a local field called REST.Debug to get the complete JSON structure for debugging reasons.
The following examples use the profile for fetching TODO items from an online available REST service for testing purposes.
Getting All TODO Items
We can retrieve all the TODO items, just by using the root of the TODO items REST service. This means that we only need to specify the GET HTTP request method.
Getting A TODO Item By Id
The routes specifications in the TODO items REST service specifies that a single TODO item can be fetched by using its unique identifier. We can pass this identifier to the Path action in the Interface Script using a context token and an input field.
Creating A New TODO Item
Using the POST HTTP request method, the interface will call the /todos
endpoint with a JSON object that will be considered as the body of the call.
The request body will be like this:
"userId": 10,
"title": "Go grocery shopping"
Updating An Existing TODO Item
Using the PUT HTTP request method, the interface will call the /todos/1
endpoint with a JSON object that will be considered as the body of the call.
The request body will be like this:
"id": 1,
"userId": 10,
"title": "Go grocery shopping"
Uploading A File Using Multipart Form Data
A file can be send to a REST service using multipart form data content. This example contains multiple different approaches using the POST HTTP request method to uploading a file to a REST service: working with a media field, a text field and local path in the interface script.
When working with a multi part form data content you can also use the Body
parameter to send another body containing a JSON for the document metadata for example.
Dynamic Contents Using Fields
The following interface script will use the field 'File Content' as the multipart data contents, those contents will be added to the name 'file' and the filename will be set to 'File Name' field. The field 'File Content' can be a media field containing the file contents, a text field containing the local path or a text field containing the base64 string of the file.
MultipartFormDataContentField=File Content
MultipartFormDataContentFilename={$File Name}
Using Static Contents And A Content Type
The following example will upload the local file located in the local path 'c:\Template Documents\template.pdf' to the REST service using a static file name. This service requires a content type for the binary content.
MultipartFormDataContent=c:\Template Documents\template.pdf
Including A JSON Body In The First Part
The following example will upload the local file located in the local path 'c:\Template Documents\template.docx' to the REST service using a static file name.
This example includes a JSON body that will be send as the first part of the multi part form data, the content type and content header can be specified using the standard BodyContentType
and ContentHeader
Body={"Keywords": "{$Keywords}", "Type": "{$Type}"}
ContentHeader={"Content-Disposition": "form-data; name=\"entity_document\""}
MultipartFormDataContent=c:\Template Documents\template.pdf
Sending A POST Request With The Body In Multipart Form Data Content
Using the POST HTTP request method, we will send the body of the request using multipart form data. This example will send JSON body as multi part form data.
We're not setting the MultipartFormDataContentName
parameter as this will multipart data content will be added to the name 'body' by default.
MultipartFormDataContent={ "templateId": {$Template ID}, "name": "{$Name}", "parentId": {$Parent ID} }
Retrieving The Value Of A Nested Property
Some REST services return the data we want to retrieve in a nested property instead of the root. An example of such a nested property can be a count property which holds the number of records. Using the ValueProperty action, we can specify which property holds the data we need. The same applies to match an output field with a nested property in a result record.
"recordCount": 4,
"data": [
"id": 3196,
"title": "Go grocery shopping",
"createdBy": {
"name": "Awesome user"
"id": 3197,
"title": "Let the dog out",
"createdBy": {
"name": "Less awesome user"
"id": 3198,
"title": "Go to a Gotye concert",
"createdBy": {
"name": "Just somebody I used to know"
"id": 3199,
"title": "Blame husband",
"createdBy": {
"name": "Mom"
Sending An OAuth-access Token With The Request Using the Password Flow
The password flow should only be used when it's not possible to retrieve a client id and secret from the provider. We will show you how you can use an input extension to request an access token, but this will introduce a performance penalty.
Step 1: Getting An Access Token
When using OAuth integrated security, requests may require an access token to be included in the request headers.
The method for retrieving the access tokens should not have input fields. All the required fields are specified in the REST Profile. The interface script uses the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
Profile.OAuth Client ID | External | The public identifier for the REST client |
Profile.OAuth Client Secret | External | The client secret to use with the client id |
Profile.Username | External | The username to authenticate against the REST client |
Profile.Password | External | The password to authenticate against the REST client |
Make sure the OAuth Url
field is not set in the profile, as this will cause the REST interface to start a client_credentials flow.
Step 2: Creating A New Item Using The Access Token
In this POST-call, the retrieved authentication token is sent with the request header. The method shown in step 1 can be used as input data extension to pass the values of the token type
and access token
The configuration for the input data extension can be done via the Advanced
Method input fields:
Field | Type | Value |
Title | Text | Go grocery shopping |
Input extension fields:
Field | Type | Value |
Token type | Text | Bearer |
Access token | Text | (Access token string) |
Access SharePoint REST API v1
In the following example you will request the list items of a certain folder using the SharePoint REST API v1 on SharePoint Online.
Field | Type | Value | Description |
OAuth Url | External |{{AAD Id}}/tokens/OAuth/2 | The URL to request access tokens. The {{AAD Id}} should be replaced by the Azure Active Directory Id. |
OAuth Grant Type | External | client_credentials | The grant type which should be set to: client_credentials |
OAuth Client Id | External | {{app clientId}}@{{AAD Id}} | The client id of the registered app followed by '@' and the id of the Azure Active Directory Tenant, or the farm id for your on-premise deployment. New apps can be registered in Office 365 on |
OAuth Client Secret | External | ******************* | The client secret of the registered app. |
OAuth Scope | External | resource;00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/{{domain}}{{AAD Id}} |
The resource is constructed out of {{principal}}/{{targetHost}}@{{AAD Id}} The principal can be one of the following: ACS - 00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 Exchange - 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 SharePoint - 00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 Lync - 00000004-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 Workflow - 00000005-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 / The target host is the domain of the tenant like: @ The Azure Active Directory id or the farm id for your on-premise deployment. |
Move File
In the following example you will move a file using the SharePoint REST API v1.
Field | Type | Value | Description |
OAuth Url | External |{{AAD Id}}/tokens/OAuth/2 | The URL to request access tokens. The {{AAD Id}} should be replaced by the Azure Active Directory Id. |
OAuth Grant Type | External | client_credentials | The grant type which should be set to: client_credentials |
OAuth Client Id | External | {{app clientId}}@{{AAD Id}} | The client id of the registered app followed by '@' and the id of the Azure Active Directory Tenant, or the farm id for your on-premise deployment. New apps can be registered in Office 365 on |
OAuth Client Secret | External | ******************* | The client secret of the registered app. |
OAuth Scope | External | resource;00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/{{domain}}{{AAD Id}} |
The resource is constructed out of {{principal}}/{{targetHost}}@{{AAD Id}} The principal can be one of the following: ACS - 00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 Exchange - 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 SharePoint - 00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 Lync - 00000004-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 Workflow - 00000005-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 / The target host is the domain of the tenant like: @ The Azure Active Directory id or the farm id for your on-premise deployment. |